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Challenging Breathalyzer and Field Sobriety Test Results: Protect Your Rights in Bridgeport, Connecticut

If you've faced a traffic stop for suspected drunk driving, the requirement to undergo a Breathalyzer test or field sobriety tests may be part of the process. However, it's crucial to understand that the outcomes of these tests don't automatically determine your guilt. Safeguarding your rights in such situations is paramount, and consulting with a skilled DUI defense attorney is essential. Vincent Noce, Attorney at Law, stands ready to defend individuals accused of drunk driving offenses in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and the surrounding areas. Our team employs creative discovery techniques to ensure your rights are upheld.

Exploring All Options for DUI Defense

In Connecticut, legal intoxication is defined by a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08 or higher. For individuals under 21, the limit is lowered to .02. Refusing a Breathalyzer carries mandatory penalties, including temporary license suspension. Conviction, however, could result in fines up to $1,000, six months in jail, community service, and a one-year license suspension, with escalating penalties for repeat offenses. As seasoned trial attorneys, we comprehend that various factors can influence Breathalyzer test results or your ability to perform field sobriety tests. We meticulously investigate every detail of your case, ensuring:

  • The proper calibration of the Breathalyzer machine.
  • Regular certification and servicing of the device used.
  • Administration of field sobriety tests under appropriate conditions (on a flat surface, etc.).

We explore all potential explanations that could lead to a false positive reading. Factors like recent injuries, illnesses, or medication could impact test results. Our comprehensive approach allows us to defend your interests in state or federal court if necessary.

Don't Plead Guilty Without Consulting a Criminal Defense Lawyer First

Testing positive doesn't mean you're without options. Reach out for a free case evaluation by calling 203-374-9229 to discover how we can help protect your rights and interests. Alternatively, you can contact us online. The sooner you reach out, the more time we have to prepare your defense.

Defending Your Case Before the DMV

In addition to criminal charges, alleged DUI offenders may face an Administrative Per Se hearing before the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The DMV is automatically notified when alcohol tests are administered. Our legal team will represent you before the DMV, utilizing evidence of false readings to minimize the penalties you may face.

Vincent Noce, Attorney at Law, is your dedicated advocate, ensuring a robust defense and protection of your rights.

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